Welkon Welding


Chain Type Rotator

Chain type rotators are used for rotating cross-sectional planar workpieces. The workpieces can be brought to the position suitable for welding with chain type rotators that provide rotation to the parts on the chain.

What is a Chain Type Rotator?

Height adjustment can be made to the parts to be welded and desired welding height can be adjusted with endless chain length. Our chain type rotators help to ensure the best and trouble-free welding by ensuring that the H and I type profiles and crane beams take the optimum welding position. Our products have devices for chain drive and these devices act simultaneously.

Our chain type rotators are made up of components such as chain drives, remote control, electrical panel and housing. The best protection is provided to prevent damage to the products during welding. The operators who will use our chain type rotators can move the materials on the chain clockwise or counterclockwise. It can also be moved up and down so that the desired weld height can be achieved. Our chain type rotators consist of 2 driven units. If necessary, the number of units is increased and the angular height of the parts is rotated.

Both units of our chain type rotators are driven and can work simultaneously with each other or they can work independently of each other if desired. Chain rotators are produced as standard from 1 ton to 20 ton. However, we also manufacture special capacities that can carry higher weights. All of the products we produce are manufactured in compliance with EN, CE, health and safety regulations. We also manufacture customized chain type rotators and use anti-wear materials and paints depending on the values such as humidity, temperature, coldness according to the area of use.

Our Solutions & Benefits for Chain Type Rotator

Technical Details

Tecnical DetailsKWZCS1000KWZCS3000KWZCS5000KWZCS10000
Load Capacity (KG)10003000500010000
Rotating Capacity (MM)1000X10001200X12001200X12001500X1500
Distance Between The Rolls (MM)1200120015001700
Rotation Speed (M/DK)2,52,52,52,5
Rotation Motor (KW)4 x 0,374 X 0,754 X 1.14 X 2.2
İnput Power380 V -50 HZ380 V -50 HZ380 V -50 HZ380 V -50 HZ
Lenght (MM)2500225025002750
Widht (MM)1000125012501400
Weight (KG)1700210022502750

WHY CHOOSE OUR Chain Type Rotator

Please take a look below the reasons why you should choose us and our chain type rotator.

Target Oriented

Chain Type Rotator Usage Advantages

Large and heavy parts such as H, I profiles and column contacts must be removed during welding. Chain drives prevent heavy workpieces from needing to be lifted by crane. They can be specially produced depending on the weight of the workpieces to be lifted. It draws attention with the advantages of using a chain drive and is preferred for welding heavy and high workpieces. The benefits of this machine include:

The height of the parts to be welded is adjusted practically
The workpieces are kept fixed during welding and it is possible to perform the welding without any problems.
It saves time and labor.
It keeps the work pieces stable, prevents them from slipping and provides work safety.
Remote control is possible
The parts on the chain can be moved to the right, left, up and down.

Chain Type Rotator Manufacturer

Our company, which is a chain type rotator manufacturer, produces all its products with superior quality. We learn the needs of our customers and produce machines that meet them. We follow the developing technology closely and increase the features of our machines. As standard, the machine consists of two units. In addition, if necessary, we increase the number of units.
It provides lifting, turning and welding of workpieces weighing between 1 ton and 20. All products are tested and quality certificates are presented with the product. By using chain converters, work safety and efficiency can be increased. Welding of heavy-duty machines is done without loss of time.


Chain Type Rotator

The chain type rotator is used to rotate the workpieces if they are cross-sectional. It enables the welding of H and I profiles used in construction manufacturing, as well as parts such as welding beams, without the need for a crane. These profiles are brought to the appropriate position by using a chain converter and welds can be made without any problems. The parts on the chain are given the ability to rotate and suitable welding corners are created.
Chain inverters, which consist of two mechanisms working in sync with each other, have chain drive mechanisms. The control of these mechanisms can be done practically with the remote control. There is an electrical panel on it for the safety of the products and the person using the machine. The materials on the chain can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise.

Welkon Welding

Most Popular Questions for Chain Type Rotator

Please check our most popular questions for our chain type rotator that we manufacture, to find answer easily. If you have any further questions, please inform us to get fast and correct answer.

Yes. Welkon manufactures the chain type rotator at any quantity you want.

Yes. Welkon exports the chain type rotator to any country. You can contact us and inform which models you need and which country you are from.

Yes, you can always come to see and check our chain type rotator.

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